Coupe Mondiale 2013
coupe mondiale

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Daily reports by Kevin Friedrich (CIA Ambassador)
Festival pictures and videos are provided by Kevin Friedrich, Harley Jones, Carol Yan, Alison Worthington and Graham Laurie.
Digital Accordion
Own Choice Program
  • Playing time: maximum 15 minutes. Failure to observe the maximum playing time will result in a mark penalty.
  • External sound modules, may be used for effects only, not for the whole program.
  • Rehearsal time of up to 15 minutes per candidate will be scheduled prior to the competition.
  • Performance sound set up time - maximum 2 minutes. Performance sound break down - maximum 2 minutes.
  • All types and make of digital accordion may be used and bellows must be the primary volume control of the digital sounds. Digital accordions with acoustic sounds are permitted with the reeds amplified provided the candidate uses the accordion and bellows to make substantial use of digital sounds.
  • To assist the candidates in preparing their programs, please note that the adjudicators marks will take into account:
    - Originality and creativity of program
    - Technique/playing ability
    - Musicality
    - Digital Usage eg: multiple voices, multiple sounds, programing of sound sets, correct sound useage. Look for effective use of many of the digital instrument capabilities plus creativity factors.
    - Creativity eg: additional equipment such as - computer, effects box, looping - multi tracking and backing tracks, exploiting instrument possibilities, customising settings. Effective use of technologies.
    - Structure eg: planned programing, adaption for digital instrument.
    - Stagecraft, charisma, performance presentation.
    - Candidates playing on a digital instrument, in the same way they would perform on an acoustic accordion, without good digital usage, are not making effective use of digital technology and that should refelct in the marks with higher marks to candidates with good digital usage, creativity and structure.

digital draw

01. usa

Alicia Baker

Own Choice Program
Concerto In A Minor And Techno Medley by E. Grieg, arr. Alicia Baker           
Malagueña by Ernesto Lecuona
Into Somewhere by Frank Marocco
Quando M'en Vo by A. Gallarini, arr. Alicia Baker           
Scherzo by Dom Frontierre    

02. canada

Michael Bridge

Own Choice Program
Czardas by Vittorio Monti, arr. M. Bridge           
Stampede Tango by Michael Bridge
1812 Overture by P. Tschaikovsky, arr. M. Bridge           

03. brazil

Giordano Costa

Own Choice Program
Digital Jazz by E. Gismonti
King by A. Spaccarotella           

04. moldova

Dorin Grama

Own Choice Program
Boite à Rythme by Franck Angelis
Ya Tra Ta by Tania Maria
Infinity Etude by Dorin Grama
Caravan by Duke Ellington           

05. russia

Tarabrina, Klavdiya

Own Choice Program
The Rhythmic Box by Franck Angelis & Viatcheslav Semionov
Travelling by Viatcheslav Semionov           


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