links will become active as the information becomes available
Daily reports complied by Kevin Friedrich. Photographs kindly provided by
Böhm Roland, Bennet Büchter and Alison Worthington
The CIA Congress 146th General Assembly of Delegates first session was held in the Kolpinghaus Meeting Room in Munich, Germany. The congress is divided in two parts with the second session being held on Sunday 17th October. Item discussed and presented included things such as:
Report of the President
Report of the General Secretary
Report of the Public Relations Manager
Report of the Ambassador
General Reports
Future events
Coupe Mondiale Briefing
Presentations of new membership applications
Executive Committee Members
Music Committee Members
- Mirco Patarini (President)
- Alexander Selivanov (Chairperson)
Sweden - Jörgen Sundeqvist (Vice President)
Czech Republic - Jiří Lukeš (Member)
- Kimmo Mattila (General Secretary)
Finland - Raimo Vertainen (Member)
- Alexander Selivanov (Chair - Music Committee)
Germany - Andreas Nebl (Member)
Honorary Vice President 2020
Italy - Antonio Spaccarotella (Member)
Germany - Georg Hettmann
Lithuania - Kasys Stonkus (Member)
Apologies for Non-Attendance
Executive Committee Members
Music Committee Members
- Li Cong (Vice President)
Zealand - Grayson Masefield (Vice Chairperson)
- Viatcheslav Semionov (Vice President)
Zealand - Harley Jones (Public Relations Manager)
Honorary Member
- Kevin Friedrich (CIA Ambassador)
- Joan Cochran Sommers
- Harmonika Verband Österreichs (HVÖ)
Herbert Scheibenreif
Werner Weibert
Christian Höller
Leopold Dercsaly
Johannes Münzner
Wolfgang Krones
Marek Suchan
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Association of Artists (Bijeljina)
Slaviša Perić
Bulgaria - The Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts (Plovdiv)
Angel Marinov
Czech Repulic - The Prague Conservatory of Music Jiří Lukeš
Estonia - Estonian
Accordion Society
Heli Raitar
Tiina Välja
- Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)
Ville Mattila
Raimo Vertainen
France - Centre National et Internationale de Musique d'Accordeon (CNIMA)
Jacques Mornet
Nathalie Boucheix
- Deutscher Harmonika-Verband e.V. (DHV)
Andreas Nebl
- Italian Accordion Culture (IAC)
Antonio Spaccarotella
Germano Scurti
Marco Gemelli
Kaunas Accordion Society (KAS)
Kazys Stonkus
Lithuania: Lithuanian Accordionist's Association (LAA)
Raimondas Sviackevicius
Dangira Gostaltaviciute
Republic of North Macedonia
- Ljubiteli na Klasicnata Muzika in Skopje
Zorica Karakutovska
Anica Karakutovska
Elizabeta Ilievska
Zealand - New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Alison Worthington
- Autonomous non-profit Organisation "Center of Musical Art"
Kirill Rusinov
Alexander Selivanov
- Department of Accordion at Faculty of Philology and Art in Kragujevac (FILUM)
Vojin Vasovic
- Sveriges Dragspelares Riksförbund
Jörgen Sundeqvist
Päivi Mettälä
Switzerland - Akkordeon
Ruedi Marty
Kingdom - National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom
Raymond Bodell
Proxie Assignments
Belgium - VZW Accordeon Salon awared to
- Sveriges Dragspelares Riksförbund
- Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association (CAA) awarded to
- Italian Accordion Culture (IAC)
Croatia - Glazbena Skola Zlatko Balokovića (State Music College-Accordion Department) awarded to
- Autonomous non-profit Organisation "Center of Musical Art"
Latvia - Naujene Music and Art School awarded to
- Suomen Harmonikkaliitto (SHL)
USA ATG/AAA awarded to
- Harmonika Verband Österreichs (HVÖ)
- Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA) awarded to
Kingdom - National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom
Apologies for non-attendance
- Australian Accordion Teachers Association (AATA)
Lionel Reekie
- Belarus Bajanists and Accordionists Association
Nikolaj Sevrukov
Belgium - VZW Accordeon Salon
Jeff De Haes
- Instituto
Oswaldino do accordeon
Samantha Alburquerque
Sarah Alburquerque
- Accordion Association of Chinese Musicians Association (CAA)
Crystal Wang
Croatia - Glazbena Skola Zlatko Balokovića (State Music College-Accordion Department)
Marjan Krajna
Hungary - "Az Ifjú Harmonikásokért" Alapítvány - "For the Young Accordionists" Foundation
Krickij Szergej
Olga Papp
Kazakhstan - Kazakh National University of Arts, Kazakhstan Anatoly Gaissin
Ruslan Turayev
Latvia - Naujene Music and Art School
Spodris Kačans
Montenegro: Montenegrin Association of Accordionists
Predrag Jankovic
Montenegro: Association 'Music Art'
Nemanja Potarić
Netherlands - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Accordeon & Moundharmonica - NOVAM
President: Blai Navarro
Zealand - New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA)
Heather Masefield
Sonja Palinich
Portugal -
Mito Algarvio - Associação de Acordeonistas do Algarve
Nelson Conceição
João Pereira
Sérgio Conceição
João Sena
- Interregional Association of Bayanists and Accordoinists
Viatcheslav Semionov
Serbia - Belgrade Accordion Association (BAA)
Nenad Ljubenović
- Faculty of Arts of the University of Ni
Miljan Bjeletic
Ukraine - International Art Centre Acco Holiday Festival of Kiev
Yan Tabachnik
- American Accordionists Association (AAA)
Joe Ciconne (President)
Mary Tokarski
- Accordionists and Teachers Guild, International (ATG)
Mary Ann Covone (President)
Elizabeth Finch
Joan C. Sommers
Kingdom - National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom
Anna Bodell
CIA President Mirco Patarini (Italy) presenting his Annual Report
CIA General Secretary Kimmo Mattila presenting the Financial Report
Alexander Selivanov speaking on behalf lf the CIA Music Committee
Delegates at the 146th General Assembly
Delegates at the 146th General Assembly
This year CIA Officials conducted the Draw for Playing Order on behalf of the contestants, in order to comply with regulations pertaining to Covid 19.
CAI President Mirco Patarini welcoming the Contestants
Contestants eagerly awaithng their draw for playing order results
Above and below: As the CIA Officials drew the playing order on behalf of the contestants, they could
see in real time,
their playing time slot for their respective catogries.
The Opening Concert of the 74th Coupe Mondale showcased a variety of genres presented by well known German accordionists and their fellow musicans.
Duo Naoko und Andreas Neb
Andreas Nebl (born 1968) represents the accordion instrument through his many years of international solo and chamber music activity as well as his outstanding pedagogical work as leader of accordion classes at the Musikhochschule Nürnberg, the Osnabrück University and the Con-servatory in Trossingen. After studying at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik in Trossingen with Prof. Hugo Noth and at the Conservatorio "Luigi Cherubini" in Florence with Ivano Battiston and winning 1st prize at the International Chamber Music Competition "Val Tidone" (Italy), numerous CD recordings in duo with clarinetist Frank Nebl and concert engagements brought him to almost all EU countries, as well as to Rus-sia, Japan, Korea, China, USA, Argentina and Colombia.
Naoko Nebl (born 1975) started to learn harmonica at the age of 8 with Shigeaki Iwasaki. She showed her talent at early years when she got the 1st prize in F.I.H. Japan Harmonica Contest tremolo class in 1988, and twice in the cromatic class in 1992 and 1994, and in World Harmo-nica Contest (USA) in the chromatic class junior in 1991. 1994-1998 she studied with Yasuo Watani at the Hohner Conservatory Trossingen, Germany. In 1997 she won 1st prize at the World Harmonica festival. After graduation she performs actively as a solist and also collaborated with chamber music groups all around the world. Since 2013 she is lecturer at the Hohner Conservatory for Harmonica.
Duo Flac
Elisabeth Thoma and Manuel Wagner together form the duo FLAC. They are welcome guests at festivals and concert series such as the European Weeks in Passau, the Höri-Musiktage Bodensee, the Atter-gauer Kultursommer, Festival Florio Italy, the Upper Austrian Collegiate Concerts and the Festival of Young Artists Bayreuth. They have also given concerts on the international stage in Bulgaria, China, Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland. The duo FLAC is particularly committed to new / contemporary music. They played at the Donaueschinger Musiktage at the Munich Society for New Music and premiered several works written for the duo.
The special attraction of this rare instrumentation lies in the sound quali-ty of the instruments, as both use air as a medium to generate sound. As a result, the musicians can not only perform chamber music con-certs with each other, but also merge their sound into a close, harmoni-ous unit.
The four young musicians from Maxjoseph realize their very own idea of folk music. Traditions are softened so that new forms and extraordinary ideas can arise.
With the special instrumentation tuba, guitar and two Styrian harmonicas, new timbres are discovered and compositions are created that combine folk music elements with jazz harmonies, liven up classical music with pulsating rhythms and mix the familiar with the unfamiliar.
A tension arises that never lets the pleasure of listening off!
Maxjoseph comprises: Georg Unterholzner - Guitar,
Andreas Winkler - Steirische Harmonika,
Josef Steinbacher - Steirische Harmonika and
Florian Mayrhofer - Tuba
Landesjugend Akkordeonorchester Bayern
The “Youth Accordion Orchestra Bavaria” is a training initiative of the regional accordion association of Bavaria in the “Deutscher Harmonika-Verband” (DHV) for young accordion orchestra players of its member clubs, who would like to have an insight into the current accordion literature and its interpretation in collaboration with well-known conductors. Every year, a new activity cycle is called out. The conductors also change at an annual fre-quency. This year Gerhard Koschel took over the direction of the orchestra.
In the now 31 years of its existence, the “Youth Accordion Orchestra Bavaria” can look back on many concerts and tours to many countries like Australia, Russia, Brazil, China and many other European countries.
Marienplatz is the Central square in the City Centre of Munich, Germany.
It has been the city's main square since 1158!